Green Tech Entrepreneurship Challenge Hub – Rezultati natjecanja
U periodu od 16. do 24. septembra, učenici su se aktivno uključili na Challenge Hub platformi, rješavajući zadatke kroz video lekcije i kvizove znanja, te razvijajući rješenja za izazove dviju kompanija, SIKA BH i BN-Step. Natjecanje je okupilo 60 učenika iz tri srednje škole, a svoja rješenja su izlagali na završnom događaju koji je održan […]
Green Tech Entrepreneurship Challenge Hub – Competition Results
Between September 16 and 24, students actively participated in the Challenge Hub platform. They solved tasks through video lessons and knowledge quizzes, and developed solutions for challenges posed by two companies, SIKA BH and BN-Step. The competition brought together 60 students from three high schools, and they presented their solutions at the final event held […]